Chris Hayward |
With our second AGM now behind us the minutes of which are on our Project Web Site, the build is going from strengh to strengh and the workshop are now cutting the sheeting panels for the rear fuselage. I would like to thank all those who attended the AGM and especially the speakers who gave their time for free.
Bailey from the Shuttleworth Trust.
Thanks also to Mike Daley MBE who presented the Project with a Whirlwind Painting so that we can raise money for the build.
The Painting shows our P7056 " Pride of Yeovil" flown by John McClure on convoy Patrol. This will shorty be for sale via the forum shop and is a one off so grab a chance to buy something unique and help us build this plane.
We had several kind offers of Painting and prints all have been recieved with thanks as it all helps in the end.
The raffle and donations totaled to £225.
We have also recieved some more donations from the following people.
With the anniversary of Westland being held next month and to which we as a project have been invited to attend along with our rear fuselage, AgustaWestland have released this short video on Youtube which is well worth watching.
Book Club
A new book has now been released by our very own Dave Gibbings MBE and he has also recieved an award from the American Helicopter Society so a very busy and rewarding year for him.
A Quiet Country Town:
Derrick Ellis Prior was an RAFVR Sergeant Pilot with A flight of 263 Squadron. He flew his first Whirlwind Operation on the 15th of October 1941. He was a well known and popular member of the Squadron due to his sense of humour. Unfortunatly he was killed while on a Co-Operation searchlight exercise when P7044 crashed near Coleford, Gloucestershire
Short update on the project by Matt Bearman
Jim Munro on "Ghosts of the Whirlwind".
Dave Birch from the RR Heritage Museum on the Peregrine.
Mike Coghlan on
his father Humphrey who flew with 137 Sq.
Thanks also to Mike Daley MBE who presented the Project with a Whirlwind Painting so that we can raise money for the build.
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Copyright Mike Daley MBE |
We had several kind offers of Painting and prints all have been recieved with thanks as it all helps in the end.
The raffle and donations totaled to £225.
We have also recieved some more donations from the following people.
£10 from Andy Sephton, Sandy, Beds
£60 from Dave Eadsforth, Alresford, Hants – his comments were ‘For another bag of rivets’
£40 from Colin Smithson
A big thanks to all who contribute, we accept all donations of money via Paypal on our forum site, every little helps.
For those who are interested or for those who cant sleep the minutes of the AGM can be found here..........Minutes
For those who are interested or for those who cant sleep the minutes of the AGM can be found here..........Minutes
With the anniversary of Westland being held next month and to which we as a project have been invited to attend along with our rear fuselage, AgustaWestland have released this short video on Youtube which is well worth watching.
Book Club
A new book has now been released by our very own Dave Gibbings MBE and he has also recieved an award from the American Helicopter Society so a very busy and rewarding year for him.
A Quiet Country Town:
A Celebration of 100 Years of
Westland at Yeovil
By David Gibbings
It has been 100 years since
the first airfield was established in the country town of Yeovil. Since 1915,
aircraft have been designed, manufactured and tested at Westland, including the
Lysander, used to transport British agents to Europe during the Second World
In 1948 the company focused solely on
helicopters and its aircraft have been sent all over the world since then, used
in lifesaving with Air Ambulance and Search and Rescue and deployed in warfare
such as Balkans, Iraq and Afghanistan. To celebrate the centenary of the UK’s
only major helicopter manufacturer, David Gibbings has collated an anthology of
writings that retell Westland’s history and its special relationship with
Yeovil, which has rarely been quiet since the first aircraft took off from the
airfield that now lies at its heart.
Published by History Press: ISBN
David Gibbings MBE
American Helicopter Society (AHS) has presented Dave with the
prestigious ‘John J. Schneider’ trophy for historical achievement. The
award was presented on the 6th of May at their annual forum
in Virginia Beach, the award recognises distinguished achievement in
encouraging appreciation of, and enhancing access to the history and
legacy of vertical flight.
joined the Royal Air Force in 1949 as an RAF apprentice at Halton. He
qualified as Navigator but joined Fairey Aviation in 1955 to work on
guided weapons. In 1959 he was transferred to the aircraft division to
work on Tip-jet units for the Fairey Rotodyne, he moved to the test
facility at White Waltham where his duties included flying in the
aircraft as Flight Engineer.
the Rotodyne was discontinued he was transferred to the Flight Test
Department to work on Scout and Wasp helicopters, and Gannet. He was
moved to Yeovil in 1964.
remained in the Flight Test Department at Yeovil until he retired in
1993, during that time he flew with the whole range of Westland
products, and played a leading part in the Lynx development programme
and was one of the crew on the first flight. He was also responsible
for helicopter icing trials in the 1980s, the work carried out by Dave
and his team has led to safe flight in icing for helicopters. He was
Chief Flight Test Engineer when he retired.
has continued to work as a consultant, aviation artist and author in
spite of Parkinson’s disease. Previous recipients of the ‘John J.
Schneider award’ include Serge Sikorsky, and Jean Boulet. He was also
awarded the MBE in 2014, and takes pride in the fact that both these
awards have been received since his 80th birthday.
Thanks to Joel Diggle who has sent me a photo of this rememberance plaque that he found.
"At the weekend I was camping in the Forest Of Dean at The Speechley Hotel for a Best of British Proms in the Park.
At the entrance to the field was this memorial stone, thought it might be of interest to members on this page.
You never quite know past happenings on the ground when you pitch your tent".
Thanks to Joel Diggle who has sent me a photo of this rememberance plaque that he found.
"At the weekend I was camping in the Forest Of Dean at The Speechley Hotel for a Best of British Proms in the Park.
At the entrance to the field was this memorial stone, thought it might be of interest to members on this page.
You never quite know past happenings on the ground when you pitch your tent".
Derrick Ellis Prior was an RAFVR Sergeant Pilot with A flight of 263 Squadron. He flew his first Whirlwind Operation on the 15th of October 1941. He was a well known and popular member of the Squadron due to his sense of humour. Unfortunatly he was killed while on a Co-Operation searchlight exercise when P7044 crashed near Coleford, Gloucestershire
Whirly Stories
P7048 |
She joined 39MU at Colerne on the 27th of May 1941, then was sent to 137 Squadron in November 1942 after being damaged in June of the previous year.She suffered a tail wheel collapse while at Matlaske after hitting a drain. She was again damaged in January 43 and again April 43 by flack while being flown by Eddie Musgrave. She was later taken on by Westland and registered G-AGOI and used as the firm hack. She was later scrapped on site.
Operational hours 123:25
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Copyright Westland Archive. |
Matt Bearman askes a question...WHAT’S GOING
Time for another arm-waving session. There has been much
debate around this area:
Is it flat, or just appearing so where several
subtle curves meet?
Is it vertical, or does it break convention by
being at an acute angle to the wing, as indicated by the wind tunnel model data
Why the odd, slightly awkward slab-sided effect
I confess I was on the wrong side of this debate – I now
stand corrected, and somewhat astounded by what Petter was actually doing here.
To understand his surprising innovation it is necessary for
a minute to go back to the 1930’s and aerodynamic thinking at the time.. it was recognised that if one went beyond the
vertical and the angle between the fuselage side and the wing became acute, one
would get a serious drag penalty, called ‘interference’ drag. This was
demonstrated by tests both side of the Atlantic, eg
These tests were on circular or ovoid section fuselages, and
as one moved the wings up and down, the interference drag was recorded. Low
wing arrangements created the most drag, and it was all put down to there being
an acute angle formed between the local fuselage side (at the bottom of the
‘circle’) and the wing. And there stood the orthodoxy.
Designers at the time strove to create fairings between wing
trailing (lifting) portion and fuselage to overcome this. All mainstream
fighter designs of the period acquired a fairing, being low-wing and
round-fuselage – from the big one on the Spitfire to little ones such as on the
However, the Whirlwind did not. Furthermore, it had an acute
angle between fuselage and wing. What on earth did Petter think he was doing?
The answer lies deep in a NACA Technical Note from 1938.
TN.642 also tested what they called ‘Straight Sided’ wing intersections. In
these, round fuselages had been locally altered around the wing junction to
produce a straight ‘seam’ – the fuselage section was flat and vertical where it
met the wing. The drag was reduced enormously compared to circular sections,
and the report concluded “A modification
of a round fuselage to provide straight side junctures appeared very effective
Crucially, the wing/fuselage intersection was straight and
parallel to long axis when viewed in plan form. This was not enlarged upon by
the Tech Note, though it did describe the junctions as ‘straight’ rather than
just the sides being ‘flat’. This must have been noticed by Petter!
Here’s the thing. The slab sides on the WW are not a flat
surface. In fact they are ever so slightly twisted, as shown by the positioning
of point ‘A’ in the diagram and table above such as to ensure a constant
distance from centreline as the lifting, trailing part of the aerofoil
intersects the inclined plane. The wing/ fuselage ‘seam’ as viewed from above
What Petter had picked up on was this. It was not simply the
angle of wing to fuselage that caused interference. In fact it was irrelevant,
despite what aerodynamic texts at the time were saying (and what a lot of
on-line resources still say now).
What is important is the straightness of the
wing/fuselage intersection. When you intersect the curve of an aerofoil
with the curve of a fuselage, you get an even more curved ‘join’. That was what
caused the interference. This is backed up by the curious effect whereby if you
increased incidence, you increased interference drag. What you are doing is decreasing
the radius of this curve.
So, the answer is to correct the fuselage profile locally to
make this join straight and parallel when viewed in plan, as in the Airbus
design study below. Upper bad, Lower better:
This is exactly what designers of airliners, conventionally
low-wing and tubular, started doing in the 1960’s thus dispensing of fairings.
And it is what Petter did in 1938.
£25.00 plus P&P
T Shirt £10.00 plus P&P
Baseball cap £9.00 plus P&P
Mug £6.00 plus P&P
Robs book is available direct from him at
CopyrightWFP 2011/2015